And once again, new life

While we are still muddling our way through the grief of saying goodbye to Nutmeg, we joyously welcomed two new souls to the farm. Artemis gave birth to a little girl, Celeste and a little boy, Sol.

She was rather quiet about her pending delivery but I had been keeping a close eye on her and luckily, Tammy was keeping a close ear! She heard her first (of very few) labor screams and I ran out to observe and assist if necessary. Even though she was born here to us and loved on/interacted with, Artemis is not a “people goat”. She doesn’t like being approached or handled and asks for attention MAYBE about once a year…so I kept my distance for the parts that didn’t require me. This was by far the fastest, easiest delivery I have experienced on our homestead. For a FF (first freshener) she handled it like an old champ.

Fresh baby photos and delivery video to follow. Warning: Birth, afterbirth and all the gooey life creating mess that’s involved in that.
